Friday, August 1, 2008

Thoughts on Zion

Zion has always been seen as a place. Some people use it in reference to the Jewish people or the people of Israel. This comes from the reference that the city of Jerusalem was once called Zion or Sion. Joseph Smith defined it as a type of society.

In the LDS cannon it reads "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them." Moses 7:18. It is a lofty goal for a society to be of "one heart and one mind". I don't feel that this scripture suggests that everyone is supposed to think and act alike. Instead, I feel that it gives a very clear description of what is required for a prosperous society. To be of one heart and one mind means to be united in purpose and intent. In order for a society to move forward it needs to be united with common goals that lead it in a common direction. I am going to suggest a few goals that I think would be worth while for any society to pursue.

1st: Build a relationship with God.

2nd: Become self sufficient as far as it is in their power.

3rd: Uphold law and order
This is a tricky one because not all laws are just. Laws are set to govern communities and give direction on how to live. Laws must provide protection but must also allow freedom of choice, for without certain freedoms a society will not progress. There must be laws but the laws must govern correctly.

4th: Be positive! Lift and encourage those who struggle in the community
Help them to help themselves as far as they are capable, and then make up the difference. What could be greater than a community that looked after its own people? It would be a place of great security and comfort.

5th: Be productive and industrious through learning and hard work.

6th: Work to instill these principles in future generations.

I feel that all of these principles are necessary, but think what a difference it would make if we all had just one of these as our common goal. With the way things are today, the American Society is becoming more and more polarized. We have in past years had famine (The Dust Bowl) and a bad economy to unite us(The Great Depression). We had wars to fight together(WWI & WWII). We had the dreaded fear of nuclear war(The Cold War). Now what do we have to unite us? Terrorists? I hardly think that is enough as the nation becomes more polarized over different social issues. The Socialists have it backwards. People are not so irresponsible that the government needs to take control, rather people need to be empowered to meet their own needs. They need a sense of purpose and importance. Individuality is just as important as community. We all want to belong but we also want to feel that belonging somehow makes a difference.

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