I think that most of what we consider to be social issues can be tied to behavior. What makes us do the things we do? I think that behavior is something we begin to learn as a child and it stays with us through constant repetition. Very few dogs learn a trick after just one lesson. The military drills its soldiers many times so that when they have cause to act they do not even think. Athletes practice techniques over and over again so that when they are asked to perform it is natural to them. These athletes don't just wake up and decide to break new records. It takes time, patience, and careful training. Many of us today have been taught to feel certain ways about specific issues. These feelings invoke a trained response, but people can change their minds. We might learn many new behaviors throughout our lives.
Many people today struggle with behavioral problems. They say that they are powerless to change and that they have no control. They blame parents, genetics, and society as a whole. I am convinced that most people act out of a need for control. Whether it is the need to control others or ourselves. Those who feel out of control often times feel powerless to act in a manner contrary to their negative behavior. I say that control is an illusion. No one is in control. There is simply the law of motion. We can either act or be acted upon and we are limited in the extent to which we can act. Bad behavior cannot just be stopped. It requires a different type of behavior to replace it. The new behavior must be acted out again and again in order for it to take the place of an old behavior. In order for this to be effective the individual struggling with the behavior must recognize what circumstances trigger the behavior and use those same circumstances to trigger a new behavior. If they could also avoid the circumstances all together they might be able to avoid the behavior, but I feel it is simply better to have the behavior replaced.
When I say that no one is in control I do not want to be misunderstood. Certainly God is in control, but he does not control you or me. He is not a God of compulsion. He allows us our choice, and we have the ability to make our presence known in this world. However, he exerts a much greater force in the world and ultimately all things succumb to his influence. Thus, God is in control.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Posted by
Edward Ellsworth
12:51 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thoughts on Zion
Zion has always been seen as a place. Some people use it in reference to the Jewish people or the people of Israel. This comes from the reference that the city of Jerusalem was once called Zion or Sion. Joseph Smith defined it as a type of society.
In the LDS cannon it reads "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them." Moses 7:18. It is a lofty goal for a society to be of "one heart and one mind". I don't feel that this scripture suggests that everyone is supposed to think and act alike. Instead, I feel that it gives a very clear description of what is required for a prosperous society. To be of one heart and one mind means to be united in purpose and intent. In order for a society to move forward it needs to be united with common goals that lead it in a common direction. I am going to suggest a few goals that I think would be worth while for any society to pursue.
1st: Build a relationship with God.
2nd: Become self sufficient as far as it is in their power.
3rd: Uphold law and order
This is a tricky one because not all laws are just. Laws are set to govern communities and give direction on how to live. Laws must provide protection but must also allow freedom of choice, for without certain freedoms a society will not progress. There must be laws but the laws must govern correctly.
4th: Be positive! Lift and encourage those who struggle in the community
Help them to help themselves as far as they are capable, and then make up the difference. What could be greater than a community that looked after its own people? It would be a place of great security and comfort.
5th: Be productive and industrious through learning and hard work.
6th: Work to instill these principles in future generations.
I feel that all of these principles are necessary, but think what a difference it would make if we all had just one of these as our common goal. With the way things are today, the American Society is becoming more and more polarized. We have in past years had famine (The Dust Bowl) and a bad economy to unite us(The Great Depression). We had wars to fight together(WWI & WWII). We had the dreaded fear of nuclear war(The Cold War). Now what do we have to unite us? Terrorists? I hardly think that is enough as the nation becomes more polarized over different social issues. The Socialists have it backwards. People are not so irresponsible that the government needs to take control, rather people need to be empowered to meet their own needs. They need a sense of purpose and importance. Individuality is just as important as community. We all want to belong but we also want to feel that belonging somehow makes a difference.
Posted by
Edward Ellsworth
2:51 PM